Vol. 2 No. 1: (June, 2020)


Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering ITB (Fakultas Teknik Mesin dan Dirgantara (FTMD), Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia is providing this 2nd  volume issue 1 of AVIA: International Journal of Aviation Science and Engineering. This publication is in cooperation with Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Lampung and Java Scientific Academy, Indonesia.

In this issue, we highlight research finding in the field of Aerospace engineering and Mechanical Engineering in Aviation. AVIA aims to solicit recent finding of research scopes of aviation sciences and technology, aerospace engineering, aeronautics, defense system and engineering, safety and energy, mechanical engineering, and aeronautics education and training.

AVIA Editorial office would like to thanks all authors, reviewers, and contributors for the continuous support and attention. We are looking forward to receive more articles in the next following issues.

Best regards,

AVIA Editorial Bord

Published: 2021-03-15