Vol. 5 No. 2We congratulate authors the publication of this Volume 5 Issue 2, December 2023. In this issue, we highlight research finding in the field of aerospace science and other general engineering fields. AVIA aims to solicit recent finding of research scopes of aviation sciences and technology, aerospace engineering, and all general engineering fields. This edition consists of five scientific articles, coming from multiple contributing institutions from various countries.
Vol. 4, No. 2 (December 2022)
The Editorial Board of AVIA would like to congratulate for authors in this edition. Also, we thank to all authors, reviewers, and other contributors to make this edition published.
Volume 4 No. 2 for December 2022 Edition is available for publication now. It consists of 5 papers from Aerospace Engineering, Composite Engineering, Civil and Transportation Engineering, and Electrical Engineering.
Thank you.
AVIA Editorial Board
(June, 2022)
Vol. 4 No. 1We congratulate authors the publication of this Volume 4 Issue 1, June 2022. In this issue, we highlight research finding in the field of aerospace, electrical, mechanical and civil transportation engineering. AVIA aims to solicit recent finding of research scopes of aviation sciences and technology, aerospace engineering, aeronautics, defense system and engineering, safety and energy, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and aeronautics education and training.
(Dec, 2021)
Vol. 3 No. 2PREFACE
Nowadays technologies in the fields of aviation science and engineering play an important role in our daily life. Researchers from all over the world are involved in the development of technology and to design innovative solutions for various aviation and aerospace industries.
We believe that all the papers published in this issue will have a great influence on the aviation science and engineering fields in the technology industry. This issue content of 5 (five) papers from several universities y and research institutions in Indonesia.
We thank all of the authors, reviewers, and editorial members who contributed to this issue. We are looking forward to receiving more articles in the next following issues.
Best regards,
AVIA Editorial Bord
(June, 2021)
Vol. 3 No. 1We are delight to provide the 3rd Volume - 1st Issue 1 of AVIA: International Journal of Aviation Science and Engineering. AVIA is published by Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia and in a strong cooperation with Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Lampung and Java Scientific Academy, Indonesia.
We would like to thanks for all contributors and in this issue, there are contributors from Indonesia as well as some international authors from Japan and Russia. This issue contains 2 (two) review paper and 3 (three) original articles research in the field of Aeronautics and Aerospace Engineering and Aviation Sciences.
We invite others to contribute for publishing their finding and knowledge sharing in the scopes of aviation sciences and technology, aerospace engineering, aeronautics, defense system and engineering, safety and energy, mechanical and electrical engineering and other general engineering related to Aerospace and Aviation.
AVIA Editorial office would like to thanks all authors, reviewers, and contributors for the support and assistance during the publication of this issue. We are looking forward to have future submission and contributions.
Best regards,
AVIA Editorial Bord -
(Dec, 2020)
Vol. 2 No. 2Cover AVIA Vol. 2 Issue 2 December 2020
This 2nd Issue of Volume 2 comes with 5 original articles in the field of of Aerospace engineering, Aerodynamic system, Aircraft materials and structures. AVIA is published by Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering ITB, Institut Teknologi Bandung. AVIA continue its strong collaboration with Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Lampung and Java Scientific Academy, Indonesia.
We hope you will receive a fruitful academic and engineering information on this issue. We would like to have your contribution to the next issue in the field of but not limited to: Aerospace engineering, Aircraft maintenance, Materials and design in aircraft, applied Mechanical Engineering in Aviation science and technology. We thank you all authors, reviewers, and contributors for the continuous support and attention.
We are looking forward to receive more submission in the next following issues.
Best regards,
AVIA Editorial Board -
(June, 2020)
Vol. 2 No. 1Preface
Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering ITB (Fakultas Teknik Mesin dan Dirgantara (FTMD), Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia is providing this 2nd volume issue 1 of AVIA: International Journal of Aviation Science and Engineering. This publication is in cooperation with Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Lampung and Java Scientific Academy, Indonesia.
In this issue, we highlight research finding in the field of Aerospace engineering and Mechanical Engineering in Aviation. AVIA aims to solicit recent finding of research scopes of aviation sciences and technology, aerospace engineering, aeronautics, defense system and engineering, safety and energy, mechanical engineering, and aeronautics education and training.
AVIA Editorial office would like to thanks all authors, reviewers, and contributors for the continuous support and attention. We are looking forward to receive more articles in the next following issues.
Best regards,
AVIA Editorial Bord
(Dec, 2019)
Vol. 1 No. 1Preface
This is the inaugural edition of AVIA: International Journal of Aviation Science and Engineering, published by Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering ITB (Fakultas Teknik Mesin Dan Dirgantara (FTMD) ITB), in cooperation with Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Lampung and Java Scientific Academy, Indonesia.
AVIA Highlighting on the current growth in the field of Aviation Science and Engineering as well as Aerospace and applied Mechanical Engineering. The aims and scopes are including to aviation sciences and technology, aerospace engineering, aeronautics, defense system and engineering, safety and energy, mechanical engineering, aeronautics education and training, interdisciplinary engineering and applied sciences. In this inaugural issue, AVIA publishes 5 papers, including 1 paper from Malaysia. On behalf of Editorial Boards, we would like to thanks all authors, reviewers, and contributors that make this inaugural issue published. We are looking forward to receive more articles in the next following issues.
Best regards
AVIA Editorial Boards