Vol. 3 No. 1: (June, 2021)
We are delight to provide the 3rd Volume - 1st Issue 1 of AVIA: International Journal of Aviation Science and Engineering. AVIA is published by Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia and in a strong cooperation with Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Lampung and Java Scientific Academy, Indonesia.
We would like to thanks for all contributors and in this issue, there are contributors from Indonesia as well as some international authors from Japan and Russia. This issue contains 2 (two) review paper and 3 (three) original articles research in the field of Aeronautics and Aerospace Engineering and Aviation Sciences.
We invite others to contribute for publishing their finding and knowledge sharing in the scopes of aviation sciences and technology, aerospace engineering, aeronautics, defense system and engineering, safety and energy, mechanical and electrical engineering and other general engineering related to Aerospace and Aviation.
AVIA Editorial office would like to thanks all authors, reviewers, and contributors for the support and assistance during the publication of this issue. We are looking forward to have future submission and contributions.
Best regards,
AVIA Editorial Bord