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Fajarviani, Sc. Elan Lida
Fathurahim, L, FTMD ITB
Fathurrohim, L
Fathurrohim, L, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Fauzan, M Ariq, FTMD ITB
Febriansyah, B D, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jalan Ganesha No.10, Bandung
Ferdiana, R, Departement of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jalan Grafika No. 2, Sleman, D. I. Yogyakarta 55281
Franciscus, F, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, University of Suryadarma, Jakarta, Indonesia, Campus A of Aerospace University of Air Marshal Suryadarma Halim Perdanakusuma Street, Area of Halim Perdanakusuma Military Base, Jakarta, 13610